Blog: Thought Leadership
Small Businesses Drive Job Creation in Big Cities and Their Inner Cities
In a new report, the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) shows how important small businesses are as job creators in 10 of America’s largest cities and their under-resourced inner cities. The report, updates and expands on ICIC’s 2016 report on the subject. Read More

What It Will Take for Opportunity Zones to Create Real Opportunity in America’s Economically Distressed Areas
The Opportunity Zone program is the nation’s latest public policy attempt to encourage private investment in America’s economically distressed areas. In his policy brief, ICIC Senior Vice President and Director of Research Howard Wial argues that Opportunity Zones will benefit distressed communities only if investors, local governments, community organizations, and other organizations with a stake in the economic progress of low-income communities abide by four fundamental principles to guide investments in the zones. Read More