Blog: Jobs

Get Ready to Fight the Coming Battle Against Supplier Diversity
Beverly Norman-Cooper, former Executive Director of Supplier Diversity and Sustainability at Kaiser Permanente, shares her background and history which fed her desire to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion. Her work at Kaiser Permanente contributed to many businesses being offered opportunities based on their merits and capabilities. She continues to push for change and find ways to encourage businesses to get involved in change for good. She shares her thoughts on the recent Supreme Court ruling that ended affirmative action in college admissions and the implications for workplace diversity, philanthropy, and supplier diversity. She offers practical suggestions for businesses on ways to engage and promote diversity. Read More
Small Businesses Drive Job Creation in Big Cities and Their Inner Cities
In a new report, the Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) shows how important small businesses are as job creators in 10 of America’s largest cities and their under-resourced inner cities. The report, updates and expands on ICIC’s 2016 report on the subject. Read More
Providing for Employees, Providing for the Community
In 1991, Anne-Merelie Murrell was looking to buy old buildings with the intention of returning them to their former glory. One property owner, Louie Giroux, was happy to sell his building– if she also bought his glass company the building housed. And she accepted. Read More
VetCor Services: A veteran’s commitment to creating career opportunities for former service members
While at Inner City Capital Connections' culminating conference, we interviewed VetCor, a veteran owned and operated Florida-based company providing 24/7 emergency services for property restoration of water and mold damage. While they await their ICCC program start in early 2018, they continue to understand ways to grow their small business while maintaining their mission to provide veterans with fulfilling work after their military services. Read More
Lima, Ohio gets creative with CDBG funding to train residents for advanced manufacturing careers
The city of Lima, Ohio has a long industrial legacy. In the 1920s, Lima thrived with strong demand for its steel. The city was also a hub of innovation, producing most notably the “Lima A-1,” which became the prototype for the modern steam locomotive. By 1930, the city was home to an estimated 93 industrial companies that collectively employed more than 8,000 local residents. Read More