Blog: Anchor Institutions
How to Help Hospitals Become the New Force of Change for Inner Cities
The protests that have shaken Baltimore recently quickly expanded beyond the death of Freddie Gray, a young man in police custody, and into the conditions facing low-income minority residents nationally. Read More
Newark’s Data-Driven Approach to Leveraging its Anchor Assets
The revitalization of the United States’ older industrial cities – those cities in America with vibrant pasts in legacy economies that now face challenges with dwindling populations, job loss and poverty – is a key urban challenge. Read More
Anchor Incentives Provide Stability for Detroit Residents, Neighborhoods
It’s a tale we’re all familiar with now: Detroit, once among the wealthiest cities in the world, has suffered extreme loss since the fall of its auto manufacturing economic base. Read More
Strategies for Measuring the Shared Value of Anchor Initiatives
Anchor institutions, or large, place-based organizations such as universities and hospitals, have always played a significant economic role in their communities. Read More
Affordable Care Act Opens Hospital Doors to Greater Community Investment
National discourse surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) tends to focus on benefits to individuals. Read More