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The New Anchors

Julie Kent

How For-Profit Companies Can Act as Anchor Institutions Anchor institutions are large or otherwise influential organizations that participate in community engagement activities and have relatively deep roots in (are unlikely to move from) their communities. In a new report, The New Anchors: Corporate Engagement with Lower-Income Communities in Smaller Cities, we ... Read More


Mission, Vision, and Values

Julie Kent

Mission: ICIC drives inclusive economic prosperity in under-resourced communities through innovative research and programs to create jobs, income, and wealth for local residents. Vision: To eliminate concentrated poverty and close the racial wealth gap in the United States. Values: We recognize, value, and celebrate the many intersecting identities and experiences of our staff, ... Read More


2018 Webinars


The second pillar of the ICCC program, Webinars, are virtual learning sessions that complement and deepen what participants learn at the Opening Seminar. These webinars are led by experienced practitioners and cover topics that are customized to growth challenges of the cohort. The webinars can be watched live or from ... Read More




ABOUT ICCC | APPLY NOW | FOR PARTNERS | OPENING SEMINAR | INDIVIDUAL COACHING | ANNUAL CONFERENCE | IMPACT | FAQs The second pillar of the ICCC program, Webinars, are virtual learning sessions that complement and deepen what participants learn at the Opening Seminar. ICCC webinars are 30 to 60-minute-long virtual presentations led by ... Read More


ICIC drives inclusive economic prosperity in under-resourced communities through innovative research and programs to create jobs, income, and wealth for local residents.


PO Box 191297
Roxbury MA 02119
Phone: 617-238-1740

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